Typing Spanish characters for the computer

Where do those strange marks come from?

(and how can I create them when I am typing in Spanish!?????????)

¿ De dónde vienen estas marcas diferentes?

You can create these in different ways…

One method…

Hold down the keys to the left.  Let go.  Then type the letter or symbol…

Ctrl +’                        vowels needing an accent  á   é   í   ó   ú

Ctrl+Shft+~               n  =  ñ

Ctrl+Shft+Alt            ?   !   =   ¿   ¡

Ctrl+Shft+:               u  =  ü



Two other methods…

Look at the far right side of your key board.  See the numbers that look like a phone pad?  Make sure that the “Num Lock” key on.  If the light above it is lit, you are fine…if not click the Num Lock key and the light will come on.

To get the item in the left hand column, hold down the ALT key (next to the space bar) and click the numbers required.  Let go and Voila!! The item should appear!!

Character ANSI Code ASCII Code
á Alt + 0225 Alt + 160
é Alt + 0233 Alt + 130
í Alt + 0237 Alt + 161
ó Alt + 0243 Alt + 162
ú Alt + 0250 Alt + 163
ñ Alt + 0241 Alt + 164
¿ Alt +0191 Alt + 168
¡ Alt + 0161 Alt + 173
É Alt + 0201 Alt + 144
Á Alt + 0193
Í Alt + 0205
Ó Alt + 0211
Ú Alt + 0218
Ñ Alt + 0209 Alt + 165
Ü Alt + 0220 Alt +154
ü Alt + 0252 Alt + 129
ç Alt + 0231
Ç Alt + 0199 Alt + 128
« Alt + 0171
» Alt + 0187

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